Saturday, December 2, 2006

Cool, ok, my wedgie story, is from when i was 14

Cool, ok, my wedgie story, is from when i was 14 i was in my school bus.

This kid, his name is george, well, he was (and still is) the most annoying kid ever, the reject, everyone treated him like trash, he was bullied, but he was also a despicable person so i never really cared for him. anyway, the first of several times, i being more of a loner, ended up having him sitting next to me in the schoolbus. of course i treated him with the same desrespect everyone else treated hime, he had tanned skin, flat black hair and fat black eyes and a very small thin body built.

So i told him that if he wanted to sit by my side he had to do as i said and one of the rulkes was not falling asleep on my shoulder.

of course, not even 5 mins after we left the school, he was pretending to be falling asleep on my shoulder. i kicked him with my elbow, but he continued, then I pushed his head abruptly away, but he continued.

Finally i was tired and i grabbed him by the hair and inflicting as much pain as i could i placed his big head between his legs.

Then i se it, when crouchin so far down, the back of his pullover and shirt was also lifted leaving to my reach the waisband of his ridiculus aqumarine generic brifes. I got a frim grip, he flinched, but he didnt move, he knew i woul pull it up, if he moved.

So I ordered him to stay like that the rest of the way, he did, i spend glorious 20 minutes holding his briefs while he had his head beteen his legs. People obviously noticed,, and i saw they were expecting me to pull.

Of course i didint let them down, i pulled high and strong for no reason, he yelled like a bitch, i didnt stop pulling, and i pulled and pulled, i saw my house down the corner, so i decided to get it done with, and i ripped hisdisgusting briefs off!!! aww, he was crying so beautyfully, people laughed, he was as humillieted as i ever got him... and i wedgied him some more times after, but that was the best.

2 days late

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