Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I felt old.

I felt old. I fell a million years old. I saw a spark of youth I have never experienced. A naïve-ness that’s in some way repulsive… I realized… that it’s important how I look in the eyes of the prince. I won’t smoke in front of you.
I realized that I need a life away from him…
 What’s wrong....your blog was so sad???
 And I think you're beautiful
Well, thanks I've been in this mood for a while
I know exactly how you fee. I honestly do...but I think you're beautiful inside and out
It’s not a come on and I'm not into cheap flattery
And yes....I agree with your link between art beauty and sadness
But its sadness that breeds both art and without sadness we wouldn't appreciate anything beautiful
And if we didn't experience sadness we couldn't create anything beautiful or artistic
And I think your graphics are beautiful'
Your words are beautiful and poetic
Your sensitivity that makes you so sad is the same sensitivity that lends you the perspective which allows you to write so beautifully
It’s a double edged sword
Your gifts come with a price
Just like every superhero story
This is from one sad sensitive writer to another

Xag: I had never known someone who had actually read what I write there. I don't know what to say ^^. Thanks.
Believe me I understand
The sadness
 The consuming depression
you look everywhere and see injustice, sadness, misery...and it's not fair, and you can't change it...and you think "I can’t continue on like this" feel like no one else sees it and you think why go on in this world...where nothing is fair...where beauty is fleeting and nothing matters anyway since it will end one day anyway
 And you think you want to just stop being sad by hurting yourself
But if you do that you'd just be contributing to the sadness and the violence of the world
and you wouldn't be able to create anything beautiful that might one day give solace to another suffering kid....the eighteen year old kid 20 years from now who needs to spend every night on the web just to escape wherever he is
Let me venture some guesses
You think it’s unfair that there are prescribed limitations and expectations based on your gender
You don't understand why you attract any extra attention if you wear a girl's tee...and you don’t understand why some guys wear baggy clothes that hide their bodies when they actually have really good bodies
You think it's unfair that anyone with a sexual fetish or preference other than the usual is looked at any differently or that anyone cares about such things one way or the other
You don't understand why heterosexuals are threatened or nervous around queer people
 You accept diversity and differences in everyone around you and you don't get why everyone else doesn't
How am I doing so far?

You are actually scaring me little bit
 Lol why
It is pretty, pretty accurate
He he...sorry...I kind ranted there for a bit...
I just told you
 I completely understand you
Because I'm EXACTLY the same way
 You’re adorable
I understand you so you feel let down by people a lot cause you feel like you care a lot more about them then they care about you?

Yeah I do feel like that sometimes... but I also feel I'm so selfish for expecting people to care... you alternate between feeling guilty and feeling let down?

Xag: exactly

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