Sunday, November 19, 2006

The reason disaster doesn't squish me is because it feels like old times

The reason disaster doesn't squish me is because it feels like old times.

Bogota, where I live, can be described as a very big city, surrounded by mountains in the middle of the Andes, very high, very foggy and that gives it a mystic look, its very quiet at mornings, and there is a doves nest over my room, so when I wake early at morning I hear em clearly, Its very cold at mornings, so you can see steam coming out of your mouth very often.... there are no season over here but there is a lot of thick rain, but it can turn hot sometimes, climate here is really unpredictable. We Colombians suffer from the smell syndrome, we live in society that produces a certain kind of smell, that makes us act in the way we do in here, we dont care about environment, we kill ourselves, rob our neighbors, lie at all cost.... but when the Colombian gets free from that smell out of the country, its clean, respectful, caring... we created that smell, but we all want to get rid of it, that’s why I want to leave this country, its not the country itself its the smell in it.
Our society its screwed by indifference, we created it as shield to protect ourselves from becoming crazy because of the horrible things the surrounds us. we created a shield where we don’t feel compassion for no one, we don’t care for anyone, we don’t cry our dead, don’t protect the living.... and war will eat us all. 

(2 days late)

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