Saturday, May 15, 2010

Having it all

People ask me to think about those who have nothing, just so I can be thankful about what I have. But that’s such a weak statement... because people who have nothing, just want something... I have something... and that why I now will be forever doomed to want it all.
I don’t think I suffer from low self-esteem...
No, I’m not joking... ¬¬
I mean... I think I have an over estimated version of me, and I get down by my reality really often... but it’s just because I love me so much.
Still what I do need to hear is that I am sick...
I’m sick... please... tell me I’m sick...
I can’t believe the people I talk the most, don’t share my most major interests. That they are shut down and just plain boring... how can someone not like the Lord of the rings? How can someone not have enjoyed star wars!?! I mean this is crucial... how can someone have not read the Harry potter books?? How can someone not be excited about the new superman movies... how can someone not have a position on something, or don’t care about an issue?
I want to stop recording vids by myself; I want to have plans for the weekend that do not involve my grandmother...

I can’t stand nudity... I won’t deny I yearn for it... but once is there... it’s like... "Cover that!"
I blame the media, beer commercials and Calvin Klein... Killed my desire for sex...
I think it was French author Roland Barthes who said that the sexiest part of the human body was the small flash of skin seen through the breach between the skirt and the pullover.... It allows us to desire…

(6 days late)

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